Subscription Model is a Hot Trend for Businesses!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Easy Ice Program

Once upon a time, the word subscription was only associated with newspapers and magazines. Then record labels and book publishers got into the action with monthly subscription packages for new releases.

Websites have been taking advantage of subscription based content and services for years.  So have entertainment organizations, like subscriptions to an opera company or Broadway series.  Cable and cell phone companies, internet providers and health clubs have moved towards a subscription model. But can this model work with the majority of hard goods?

Today, companies across industries are scrambling to develop subscription models for their products and services. Microsoft just announced subscriptions for their cloud-based services and Walmart is testing treat baskets by subscription.

Oliver St. John, financial reporter for USA Today recently wrote: “Subscription services have become such a hot trend that you can get a regular delivery of just about anything, from monthly underwear to weekly fresh-made soup.”  You can even get workout togs from popular Ellie via subscription.

3 ice cubes

Tired of dealing with ice machine issues on your own?
Find out how Easy Ice makes them disappear.

Subscriptions allow consumers (individuals and business) to use products and services without a long-term commitment.  Typically, subscriptions are billed monthly or biannually and cancellation should be easy and without penalty.

Easy Ice developed the subscription model for automatic ice makers and is the only national company offering commercial ice maker machine subscriptions.  You may ask, how can a business subscribe to an ice machine? It’s simple!

Easy Ice takes on the capital expense for the commercial ice machines and allows qualified customers to subscribe to them on a monthly basis.  For an affordable price, Easy Ice brings the best products (Hoshizaki ice makers, ice bins & commercial ice dispensers) to companies that rely on ice.  Easy Ice owns the ice makers and is incentivized to keep them running optimally.

Easy Ice commercial ice machine subscriptions include:

  • Top of the line, energy-efficient Hoshizaki and Manitowoc ice machines, bins and dispensers
  • All routine preventive maintenance
  • Free standard water filter replacements, biannually
  • Comprehensive ice machine cleaning, biannually All repairs (parts and labor)
  • Free Breakdown Ice*
  • No lease for qualified customers
  • Penalty-free cancellation with 30 days notice (for qualified customers)
  • U.S.-based Customer Service 24/7

*Breakdown Ice is bagged replacement ice if the ice machine needs repair and can’t be fixed in a timely manner

Subscriptions are a hot trend across industries and Easy Ice is the leader in commercial ice machine subscriptions. If you are looking for an inexpensive ice machine solution, our all-inclusive program is so much more than a ice machine lease, we also include cleaning, repairs and maintenance.

"Owning a business is full of risks --- ice machines shouldn’t be one of them. Providing customers and employees with ice is simple (and risk-free) with Easy Ice subscriptions" says John Mahlmeister, CMO, Easy Ice. 

As the Co-Founder and COO of Easy Ice, John Mahlmeister has been working in the commercial ice machine industry since 2009. Co-headquartered in Phoenix, AZ and Marquette, MI, Easy Ice is the only national provider of full-service ice machine subscriptions in the industry. Since Easy Ice was founded, the number of ice machines under its management has grown to over 30,000 units across 47 states, with no signs of slowing down.

Our team is available to help you get started today!