Easy Ice Subscription Additional Costs Explained

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Ice Machine Cost

Keep Track of Easy Ice Subscription Additional Costs

When looking at Easy Ice subscription additional costs, although it rarely happens, it’s important to remember some customers do request or require work that falls outside of the program.

To help you understand Easy Ice subscription additional costs, we’ve put together a few examples of situations that fall outside of our program.

Ice Machine Cost

Planned Additional Charges

Customers are responsible for Planned Additional Charges for planned extra work or components that include:

  1. Drain lines that require copper piping
  2. Drain lines that run through a wall or substantially more than 6 feet
  3. The installation, troubleshooting, or replacement of a drain pump
  4. The installation of a water line
  5. Movement of the equipment up or down stairs or other difficult structures
Planned Additional Charges

Unplanned Additional Charges

Unplanned Additional Charges refer to Easy Ice subscription additional costs where work is requested or required because an issue arises that is not a malfunction of our equipment.

Examples of this include:

  1. Customers unplugging the ice machine from the electrical outlet
  2. Customers stacking boxes around the machine blocking air flow and causing the unit to overheat
  3. Hot water entering the machine (regardless of reason)
  4. Debris carried by water flow which plugs water filters (usually caused by work done on pipes)
  5. Inadequate water flow to the ice machine
  6. Customers turning off the ice machine overnight only to find the machine can’t keep up with the next day’s ice need
  7. Customer estimates their ice production rate incorrectly despite the machine producing according to the manufacturer’s specifications
  8. Dropped ice melting and being reported as a leak
  9. One of the bin legs breaking because the customer dragged the ice machine across the floor
  10. Foreign objects clogging the bin drain

Most of these situations are straightforward, which means customers can avoid most additional ice machine costs by explaining the issue to our Customer Service Team before requesting a technician.

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Avoid Additional Ice Machine Costs and Subscribe

We take the hassle out of ice machines for every business. We provide commercial ice equipment, preventative maintenance, cleaning, and repairs at an affordable price so anyone can benefit!