The Dangers of Buying a Cheap Ice Maker

Reading Time: 4 minutes Learn About Ice Machines

Cheap Ice Maker

A cheap ice maker may seem like a cost-saving option, but it can really end up costing you in the long run. Unreliability can lead to expensive repairs and countless trips to buy ice. We show you the dangers of buying a cheap ice machine.

What Ice Machine Maintenance Procedures Should I Do Between Professional Cleanings?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Learn About Ice Machines

Ice Machine Maintenance Procedures
Ice machines need cleaning and attention for two reasons: To protect the machine from high temperatures thereby protecting its reliability. To clean contaminants that are introduced via human contact with the ice machine and storage bin. Ice Machine Maintenance Procedures Maintain Ventilation A commercial ice machine is more delicate than it looks. They require proper temperatures to maintain their ice ... Read More

Ice-O-Nomics: How Much is an Ice Maker?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Learn About Ice Machines

How Much is an Ice Maker
If you’re wondering how much an ice maker costs over its lifetime, you should know that owning a commercial ice machine can cause your profits to melt! Buying a cheap ice machine is often not a wise decision. They come with unpredictable expenses and costs you can’t budget. Smart business owners strive to keep their costs as predictable as possible. ... Read More

5 Things to Fix Before the Ice Machine Technician Arrives

Reading Time: 4 minutes Uncategorized

Ice machine technician

Ice machines need preventive maintenance to operate efficiently. That means, a visit from your friendly ice machine technician at least twice a year. There are a few things you can do to make their job easy and safe. In this article, we’ll tell you which preparations you can perform to make your next ice machine service easy and safe for your ice machine technician.

What is the Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ice Safety

Difference between cleaning and sanitizing
Understanding the difference between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing is vital if you want to effectively remove many diseases like E. coli or coronavirus. Whether you own a restaurant ice machine,  hospital ice maker or any other commercial ice machine, eliminating contaminants is key to ensuring the safety of your customers and employees. In this article, we’ll discuss the different processes involved with ... Read More