How to Read a Hoshizaki Serial Number and Model Number

Reading Time: 6 minutes Learn About Ice Machines

Hoshizaki Serial Number

Reading a Hoshizaki serial number or model number can seem like reading a coded message. In some ways it is. Each number and letter on a Hoshizaki ice machine’s serial or model number informs the user of a number of things. We show you how to decode these numbers to help with ice machine service.

The Most Expensive Ice Maker Components to Repair

Reading Time: 6 minutes Learn About Ice Machines

Ice Maker Components

There are many core ice maker components that cost a lot of money to repair if they break down. You want a qualified ice machine service to keep them running. We show you which components cost the most money to repair and how you can keep them in peak condition.

How is Sonic Ice Made in Commercial Ice Machines?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ice Types, Learn About Ice Machines

Sonic Ice
Sonic ice is a popular choice for hospitals, elementary schools, coffee shops, and restaurants. It has a soft, chewable texture that is appealing and functional in many settings. There are many commercial ice makers on the market that produce this type of ice. Curious how Sonic ice is made? In this article, we’ll show you how a typical Sonic ice ... Read More

The Best Ice Dispensers for Hotels

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hotel/Hospitality

Best Ice dispensers
Ice dispensers have become a standard in hotels and motels across the country. In your standard hotel, it’s not uncommon to find a hotel ice dispenser on every floor. Hotel dispensers are convenient and accessible to your guests, so they can grab ice whenever they need it. So, what are the best ice dispensers for hotels? Dispensers vs. Commercial Ice Machines So, what makes ... Read More