Get affordable ice machines in Westerville! All-inclusive subscriptions are the hassle-free solution you've been looking for.

Businesses that need reliable ice machines in Westerville don't need to spend thousands of dollars on one. Our commercial ice machine subscription goes above and beyond anything on the market. We'll set you up with the best equipment available and provide you with peace of mind because with Easy Ice, you'll never run out of ice.

We created our program as a solution with business owners in mind so that you can get a quality ice machine in Westerville without the hassle or risk. There's no upfront capital required when you subscribe to us, only a one-time setup fee equal to two months of your subscription rate. After that, you'll get a Hoshizaki or Manitowoc ice maker installed at your business and your monthly payment covers the rest.

We've changed the way businesses handle their commercial ice machines in Westerville and throughout Ohio. With our affordable rates, it's possible for any company to benefit from our program!

The products we carry are from the industry's leading brands, Hoshizaki and Manitowoc. These American-based manufacturers produce quality commercial ice equipment that's built to last. They recommend that their products are professionally serviced twice a year for optimal production. Since we provide you with your ice machine in Westerville, we cover preventative maintenance in your subscription at no extra charge.

Routine ice machine maintenance is important, so we keep track of visits for you, giving you a call when it's time and scheduling an appointment at your earliest convenience. During visits, our technicians will thoroughly clean your ice maker in Westerville, change any standard water filters, and keep an eye out for any problems. If they notice anything, they'll work hard to fix it as soon as possible.

Repairs are always included in your ice machine subscription to ensure you'll never be stuck paying out of pocket.  Any time you need a repair, we'll also provide your business with Breakdown Ice at no extra charge until we get your ice machine in Westerville up and running.

We're a top choice for businesses because we save you time and money while keeping everything hassle-free. Our program even allows your ice machine in Westerville to grow with your business. Our upsizing program, included in your subscription, lets you trade in your current unit for a larger one any time you need more ice. All you pay is the installation fee and your new monthly rate, reflecting the price difference between units.

Easy Ice has helped nearly every industry manage their ice machines in Westerville better with our subscription program. Our quality ice machine service is available throughout the Columbus area including Dublin Delaware, Lincoln Village, and Reynoldsburg.  Contact us today if you're ready to get started on a smarter solution!