The only hassle-free commercial ice subscription service is available in Biloxi!  Getting commercial ice makers in Biloxi has never been easier!

Biloxi business and businesses all around the country depend on a clean and reliable source of ice.  Restaurants, hotels, hospitals, convenience stores, resorts, casinos, schools, and universities need ice.  Don’t let your business have its profits cut by expensive ice machine repair bills.  Easy Ice subscriptions cover all the bills for one low monthly price.

Living on the Gulf of Mexico and having a business can be tough.  Biloxi understands what it’s like to go through tough times.  With the right preparation and smart decisions you can get back to relaxing on the beach and enjoying the southern comforts that Biloxi is all about!

Ice machines are a tricky piece of equipment for businesses.  They are expensive to buy.  They are expensive to maintain.  They are expensive to repair.  And bagged ice during a breakdown gets to be very expensive.  Did we mention that commercial ice makers in Biloxi are expensive?...

To help reduce costs some businesses think that leasing an ice machine is a better investment.  But it’s not!

When you lease an ice machine you still pay for all maintenance, repairs, and bagged ice.  The worst part is you are signed into a 3 to 5 year commitment.  If you need a bigger ice machine or your business closes you are still left with the contract.

Commercial ice machine subscriptions are the fastest growing ice solution in the country!

Companies Love Subscriptions!

For one low fixed monthly rate a subscription covers all your repairs, maintenance, and Breakdown Ice.  After you pay a nominal setup fee we will install a top of the line Hoshizaki ice machine.

When you need repair just call our 24/7 customer support line and we will have a service tech out to your Biloxi business the same day or within 48 hours.

If you need ice while you’re waiting for repair Breakdown Ice is paid for!

To prevent your commercial ice makers in Biloxi from calling it quits we schedule and pay for bi-annual preventive maintenance.  This includes the replacement of your standard water filter.

Need a bigger ice machine after you start a subscription?  No Problem!  Easy Ice doesn’t want to penalize your business for succeed. Pay the setup fee on the new ice machine and we will cover all the expenses for you!

If your business is in Biloxi, Gulfport, D’lberville, Ocean Springs, Gulf Hills, Long Beach, Pascagoula, or Moss Point call Easy Ice!