How Do I Ensure the Ice I Serve is Clean and Safe?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Ice Safety


There are two stages to providing clean and safe ice. The first stage is producing safe ice.  The second stage is handling the ice safely.  Easy Ice takes care of the first, the operator is responsible for the second.

Easy Ice employs three techniques to ensure your ice machine is properly cleaned and sanitized to ensure the ice cubes harvested from the ice machine are clean and safe:

  • Pre-installation Site Survey
  • Water Filtration and Treatment
  • Preventive Maintenance Cleaning and Sanitization
Site Survey

The purpose of the site survey is to confirm the environmental conditions will enable the ice machine to reliably produce clean and safe ice and to maintain consistent ice cube production.  Some conditions can be resolved by making environmental modifications such as separating the ice machine from the offending condition.  Other conditions may result in modifications to the standard water treatment or maintenance programs to ensure reliable production of clean and safe ice.  Over 95% of our customers have environments where standard filtration and cleaning/sanitization schedules are sufficient.

Water Filtration and Treatment

High yeast environments, water with hardness levels above 11 grains, and contaminated water are examples of environments where more advanced water treatment systems are required.  In these cases, Easy Ice will work with each customer to determine the requirements and cost to implement these enhancements to the standard program.

3 ice cubes

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Preventive Maintenance

Our standard ice machine subscriptions include bi-annual preventive maintenance cleanings and sanitation of the components that come in to contact with water.  Some environments require more frequent cleanings simply because the environment introduces too many contaminants to the system.  In that case, Easy Ice will work with the customer to determine the requirements and cost to implement these enhancements to the standard program.

With these 3 techniques, Easy Ice provides you with a program that either meets or exceeds the manufacturer’s standards for the cleaning and sanitization of the ice machine.

Operator Responsibilities

The primary source of ice contamination comes from human interaction AFTER the ice is produced. It is the operator’s responsibility to ensure the bin, carrying container, scoops, etc. are all handled in a manner consistent with the local health department standards.

Ice is considered a food product by the FDA.  Commercial ice machines are one of the first pieces of kitchen equipment that health inspectors investigate.  If the health department would like to see your ice machine cleaning records, simply contact Easy Ice and we will provide you with the information necessary to document your comprehensive ice machine cleaning schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns, add a comment to this page or call our ice machine service team. We're available 24/7, everyday of the year.

*Additional cleanings are not included in standard subscriptions and require an additional fee.

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