Ice Machine Bin Control Tips and Troubleshooting

Reading Time: 5 minutes Troubleshooting & Maintenance

ice in a bin with a scoop

An ice machine’s bin control is a vital component that shuts off your ice machine when it has produced the maximum amount of ice. All machines have one, but not all bin controls work the same way. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of bin controls and the problems that can occur with each.

Why is My Ice Maker Leaking?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Ice maker leaking Easy Ice

A lot of things can cause leaking around your ice machine, but the majority of leaks customers find actually stem from outside the unit. Knowing where a leak is coming from can help save you money by calling the right professional to fix the problem. We identify the common places leaks originate from and who to call when you find the leak.