School ice makers provide a supply of ice for students and staff to use. Find out how to keep students and staff safe with by following these ice machine usage rules.
Protocols for Hospital Ice and Water Dispenser Usage
Healthcare-acquired infections are on the rise. Is your hospital ice machine cleaning policy keeping patients safe, or could you be doing more? Learn about safe ice machine usage protocols in this article.
Research Indicates Dirty Ice Machines are Risk Factor for Hospital Acquired Infections
Hospital acquired infections may be caused by bacteria transmission through normal ice machine use. Learn what steps hospitals can take to reduce the spread of HAIs.
5 Ice Machine Accessories to Keep Your Ice Supply Safe
Overall, commercial ice machines are as safe as any other high-use appliance, like refrigerators, freezers, and ovens. It’s the mishandling of ice by employees that commonly leads to ice contamination. Luckily there are many ice machine accessories on the market that help reduce the risk of accidental contamination.
Scotsman Ice Machines Keep Ice Safe and Sanitary
There are many ice machine manufacturers that make quality commercial ice machines. One of the leading names in the business is Scotsman, which has provided businesses (and residential homes) with some of the best ice equipment on the market. At Easy Ice, we offer a full lineup of Scotsman touchless ice machines in our all-inclusive ice machine subscriptions.
3 Convenient Ways Follett Ice Machines Make Transporting Ice Safe
Follett ice machines are a popular choice for many businesses, but did you know they also make some of the most reliable ice bagging machines on the market? Easy Ice is the only national ice machine leasing company in the US. We’re excited to announce our new addition of Follett ice dispensing bins and ice bagging machines for industries that regularly transport ice.