The Best Ice Machine for Injuries

Reading Time: 4 minutes Healthcare, Ice Types

Ice Machine for Injuries Easy Ice

Ice isn’t just for drinks! Ice is a great way to reduce swelling for sprains and twists. Ice baths are popular with athletes because they help muscles recuperate after a long day of training. There are plenty of different types of ice that are designed for injuries and physical therapy. We let you know which ice types work best!

Ice Machine Sanitizer Prevents Hospital-Acquired Infections

Reading Time: 3 minutes Easy Ice Program, Healthcare, Learn About Ice Machines

dirty ice machine internals

Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are held to a higher standard when it comes to providing a sanitary ice supply. Patients are more susceptible to infection and require the gold standard when it comes to cleanliness. We break down the best sanitizer for your hospital ice machine and how you can get one through our all-inclusive ice machine subscription.